Product Review: EatPastry Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough



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What are the top three things people say when they find out you’re vegan? I usually get: “I could never do that… I love bacon way too much.” “I could never do that… I love burgers way too much.” “I could never do that… I love steak way too much.”

Just once I wish someone would say something that surprised me, like “I could never do that… I’m a huge fan of flamingo meat.”

Anyways, at least no one can say they could never be vegan because there are no good desserts! I was super excited to try this EatPastry dessert, because A) chocolate chips, B) peanut butter, and C) COOKIE DOUGH.

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I cracked open the lid and took a big whiff. The dough smelled kind of like peanut butter — and kind of like crayons. Or maybe that was the plastic container, I’m not sure. I foraged on.

This consistency of this was a spot-on replica of the Toll House chocolate chip cookies my mom and I used to bake. Very scoopable, a little greasy, and with nice chunks of chocolate interspersed without. I’m sure you could eat these plain, but I wanted the real deal, so I scooped them onto a baking sheet and waited nine way-too-long minutes.

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These went in the oven as big as a teaspoon, and came out that size too. Maybe they didn’t rise at all because of the dough. They did come out soft and light, with a crispy bottom.

It took me a little detect to taste the peanut butter; at first, this just tasted like a regular chocolate chip cookie. It was there after, but subtler than I would have liked. After all, ground Valencia peanuts are the second ingredient on the list. However, as far as chocolate chip cookies go, this was a darn good one. I absolutely could not tell it was vegan. It even had that buttery taste and texture I adored in the cookies of my youth! In addition, the chocolate was just right: not too sweet, not too bitter, and nicely interspersed.

Cost: $6.99

Would I buy again: Definitely–I really want to try the other flavors too

Rating: 8/10

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