Product Review: Way Better Simply Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips

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These are a health freak’s dream: sweet potato tortilla chips with organic sprouted quinoa and chia seeds. I’m a health freak. These, therefore, are my dream. Right?

If only. I saw a bunch of other vegans extolling this chip’s praises, so I was super excited to try them out for myself.

sweet potato chips

I poured myself a plate. (All the bowls were dirty.)

I took a contemplative bite. (As all my first bites are.)

I tasted… regular ol’ tortilla chips. As in, extremely corn-y.

Where was the sweet potato? Where was the chia? Where was the quinoa? Where were all the lovely flavors that informed me I was making a decision that was good for me, gosh darn it?!? Nowhere to be found. If I closed my eyes, I could be reaching into a bag of Tostito’s. There was maybe a faint, faint aftertaste of sweet potato… but I had to try very hard to pick it up, and honestly, it kind of reminded me of fake wine-tasters who swear they can detect honey or jasmine.

As far as tortilla chips go, these were decent: light, not too greasy, would pair well with guac or salsa. But if you’re looking for a uniquely flavored chip, you won’t find it here.

Cost: $3.50

Rating: 5/10

Would I buy again: No